You can't stop the waves
but you can learn to surf.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Eight-week course in small groups or in one-to-one sessions
inspired by MBSR
This eight-week course will help you live happier in the moment that is happening now. Away from our autopilot, towards more awareness of what is happening in your life now and towards more satisfaction. Jon Kabat-Zinn is considered the father of the modern mindfulness movement. He is a professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester and teaches mindfulness meditation to help people better manage stress, anxiety and illness.
The MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) course is designed over 8 weeks to learn and gradually deepen mindfulness practice.
In the theoretical and scientific part, the most important background information on human perception, the development of stress and how to cope with it through mindfulness is conveyed. The respective course days consist of theoretical background and a practical part. We also exchange ideas in the group.
main emphasis
The focus of the respective course units of 2.5 hours each (group) or 1.5 hours module + 1 hour Reflector in individual support is on practical mindfulness exercises (meditation, breathing exercises , exercises in motion, exercises in stillness). What is special about this course is the reflection and transfer to your everyday life situations. DConsciously perceiving these again and again in order to enable behavioral changes to get out of old patterns. Essential for a lasting effect of this course are the regular exercises at home and in the Everyday(about 45 minutes per day).
After expiration
the course
After the end of the program, the continuation of the formal mindfulness practice with a daily time requirement of 20-30 minutes is recommended (e.g. regular meditation practice and mindful movement) and the maintenance/deepening of the exercises in everyday life (e.g. 3 minutes breathing exercise, mindful eating, etc.). Over time, this creates the basis for a more mindful and self-care life, and out of the "formal" practice, which initially has the character of a tool, a new state of being emerges.
It's worth it, because our life is precious and we shouldn't experience it under constant stress and suffering, but balanced, peaceful and happier. I look forward to your registrations.