Your home
Your home is your temple. Or at least it should be, because it's your number one spot for finding happiness and energy. We'll look at your home together and work out what we can do to make this place even more powerful for you, so you can feel even more comfortable. From my own experience, clarity and harmony on the outside helps to create more peace and clarity on the inside. I myself went through this process with my own home for several months. Thanks to my teacher Cerstin Meisen as a Modern Life Coach, I was able to experience this ability during my training with her and to expand and refine it with various apartments and houses during my practice in the last few months. I myself feel a big difference when I come into my home today.
My home gives me strength and energy today and I would like to make this possible for other people as well.
Whether you live alone, with your partner, roommate or family. Whether it's a 1-room apartment or a large house, whether Hamburg or Budapest, I'm happy to support you in order to work out the best for you together with you and to make your apartment a place of power.
10,000 things
In the past, our parents had far fewer physical items than we do. As it says in the film "100 Dinge" by Florian David Fitz and Matthias Schweighöfer, we in our generation in the west have about 10,000 things. This can be very distressing because we have forgotten how to properly appreciate the things we love and let things we no longer appreciate continue. We believe that we can narrow the holes in our hearts by making new purchases. In fact, unfortunately, this does not work. Because only those who find happiness inside can also enjoy it outside, but not vice versa.
It may be that you have just the right amount of things, but that you need help getting cozy.It may also be that your life has changed or is about to change and that your apartment no longer reflects this is equivalent to. How should I set up my home now? What colors can I feel comfortable with now? Which furniture still suits me and which should be exchanged or added? Whether you have a large or small budget, we design what best suits you and your life in the now, depending on your wishes. Depending on your home, the focus here is very different from my experience with customers.
3-phase program
Life issues,
Planning phase,
your wishes
Becoming aware, accepting, letting go,
Clean up, reorganize
Create clarity
Beautiful design, rituals for your home
We start with a free preliminary telephone or personal talk (approx. 30 min) where we get to know each other and I can tell you a bit more. If you decide to work with me,
I will come 1 or 2 days to work jointly in your home.
We start at 10 a.m. with a coffee to discuss the daily routine. Then you show me your home and I get an overview. We then decide what needs to be done for each room and get started.
We change everything that we can already change on the day together. And you get a clear task list for the things that you will then continue to implement after this day.
This process can take up to several months depending on how quickly you want to implement it and the number of changes we worked out .
I would be happy to accompany you afterwards in your process and in your progress.
I recommend a one-hour meeting here at your home every few weeks, following .
Fee by individual agreement.

my own way